Everybody loves traveling around the world with their families and creating some amazing lifetime memories. It’s one of the must things to draft down in your bucket list but, traveling isn’t the same roller coaster ride when you have a toddler to carry along. Honestly speaking, it’s a whole new experience but at the same time, you need to focus a lot on your toddler’s essentials, mood swings, and location preferences as well.
Babies love to travel and watch the world, but with that, they have their list of things to enjoy, discover, and a schedule to follow. Here’s a little insight into how and what you might need on your next trip if you are carrying your toddler along with you.
Tips for Traveling with Baby in Flight
1. Pick the right mode of transport and the right seat for your toddler
Your toddler might not be a flexible traveler as much as you are. Keep in mind the mode of transport you choose for your long journeys. The airplane is quite comfortable and entertaining to travel on with a toddler. Schedule your travel time during the nap time of your kid and don’t forget to book a bassinet seat. Your baby’s comfort matters the most for a peaceful journey.
2. Take a baby gear along with you

A baby gear might help you to carry your child freely and roam anytime, anywhere. Whilst you are busy traveling or have a back hunch carrying your toddler and other belongings, baby gear can always be your savior. moreover, every time you need to change your baby’s diapers, baby gear can help you easily get the work done.it’s more of your baby’s favorite place to lay back and enjoy all that’s happening around you.
Buy the best Baby Gear
3. Pack light

People usually go overboard when it comes to traveling with their toddlers. Always make sure, you pack all the essentials but not too much. Traveling bulky with everything is not a comfortable idea when it comes to a long journey. Most probably you can find all the basic things at your destination.
4. Keep your toddler’s toys in hand.

Kids tend to have severe mood swings when traveling by air. Either due to the closed space or seeing a lot of people around them. Keep your kid’s favorite toy in his bag pack. Some colorful toys and small soft toys are a good idea.
5. Keep some emergency medical supply

Babies usually face extreme temperature change conditions in an airplane and might get irritated and cry out loud. make sure you keep your ear drops ready so that you can use them when needed. Also, some infant paracetamol would be a great idea to keep in hand. But other than this, don’t carry any other things along with you.
Read More, Essential Travel Medicine Kit Checklist for First Aid
6. Change diapers before boarding
One of the most essential and important things to do. Change your baby’s diapers before boarding the plane. Take care that you make your baby feel fresh and clean before he/she boards the plane. It’ll also save you some time and from that extra tension of cleaning your baby in a plane.
7. Board the plane separately
Try not to get into the crowd. Stay for a while and then later board the plane. That’ll also keep your baby away from getting anxious by seeing a large rush of people. It usually takes around 40-45 minutes for all the passengers to board the plane. Keep that in your mind and calm down your baby a little. Keep the baby entertained and make sure he/she has a light mood.
8. Feed the baby during takeoff and landing

One of the best and most useful tips, feed your baby during takeoff and landing. It’s the time when babies usually get irritated the most because of the change in temperature and air pressure. Their ears are extremely sensitive and it might be difficult for them to cope with them up.
9. Use solid food to keep them entertained
If your toddler is grown-up enough to feed on solid foods, keep some dry food items in his bag back to keep the baby entertained during long flight hours. Getting their concentration to eating can occupy pretty much a long time and hopefully by that time, you can relax as well.
10. Ask the flight attendant for help
There’s no doubt that you might need some extra help to manage your toddler and his belongings. For some petty issues, you can always ask the flight attendants to help you out. They also keep a baby kit handy with them which might help you at times of need.
Read more, Traveling Alone? Read These 35 Tips Before Your Solo Travel Trip
Last but not the least, stay calm during your entire flight. Traveling with a toddler is no less than a challenge but if you stay calm and take care of all the little necessities, things are going to be fine. Make sure you keep a checklist according to your requirements and stay prepared at least a day ahead.
We wish you a happy journey and safe flights.