Ram Setu, also known as Ram’s Bridge or Adam’s Bridge, is a natural bridge that connects the southern tip of India (Rameswaram Island) to the northwestern coast of Sri Lanka. Ram Setu holds great religious significance in Hinduism because it is associated with the Ramayana. According to Ramayana, Ram Setu was built by Lord Ram and his army of Vanaras and bears. They built the bridge to reach Lanka to rescue Lord Ram’s wife, Sita, who had been abducted by the demon king Ravana.
Ram Setu symbolizes Shri Ram’s devotion, righteousness, and commitment to dharma. The bridge also represents the triumph of good over evil. It is because Rama’s army successfully crossed the ocean using the bridge to defeat Ravan and rescue Sita. This is the reason Ram Setu is also considered a sacred site and pilgrimage destination. Many pilgrims visit Rameswaram, located near the starting point of the bridge in India, to pay homage to Lord Ram.

The bridge serves as a tangible link to the sacred past and a reminder of the enduring power of Lord Rama’s story, attracting believers from various parts of the world who come to witness this remarkable geological formation imbued with religious significance.
People who have no faith in Hindu mythology claim that the bridge is a natural formation. Several scientific researches have also been done on this bridge and there have also been several controversies in the past. In this article, I will talk about some of the interesting facts about Ram Setu. This article will tell you several things about Ram Setu.
Facts About Ram Setu
1. Ram Setu is formed by a chain of limestone shoals, sandbanks, and coral reefs. It is estimated to be around 30 kilometers long and stretches between Dhanushkodi in India and Mannar Island in Sri Lanka.
2. Ram Setu holds great religious and mythological significance in Hinduism. According to the Hindu epic Ramayana, it is believed to have been built by Lord Rama and his army of monkeys and bears to reach Lanka and rescue his wife, Sita, from the demon king Ravana.
3. It is believed that the Ram Setu was above sea level a few hundred years ago. According to historical records, Ram Setu was above sea level at some point in the past. It is believed that until the 15th century, the bridge was walkable
4. The exact age of Ram Setu is not known, but it is believed to have formed naturally several thousand years ago. It has been a subject of debate among historians, archaeologists, and scientists regarding its origin and whether it was entirely natural or had human intervention. According to studies in the field of oceanography, it is suggested that Ram Setu, or Rama’s Bridge, is approximately 7,000 years old.
5. The name “Adam’s Bridge” originated during the colonial era when the British mistakenly associated it with the Islamic belief that it was created by Adam to reach Adam’s Peak in Sri Lanka. However, the local name “Ram Setu” or “Rama’s Bridge” is more widely used and recognized.
6. In 2002, NASA released satellite images of Ram Setu, which captured the attention of the world. These images showed a continuous line of sandbanks, reefs, and shallow waters, forming a bridge-like structure between India and Sri Lanka.
7. Several geological studies and research have been conducted to understand the formation of Ram Setu. Some experts propose that it was formed due to natural sand deposition and sedimentation processes, while others suggest the involvement of ancient human activity in shaping the bridge.
8. Ram Setu has been a subject of controversy and debate in recent times. There have been calls to demolish or dredge the bridge for facilitating shipping routes, which has faced opposition from those who consider it a sacred site and an important cultural heritage.
9. In 2019, the Indian government declared Ram Setu as a protected area under the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains Act. This move aimed to preserve the cultural and religious significance of the site.
10. Ram Setu attracts a significant number of tourists, especially pilgrims, who visit the site to pay homage to Lord Ram and witness the natural marvel. The government has also undertaken initiatives to promote tourism and develop infrastructure in the region.
11. The ecosystem surrounding Ram Setu is rich in marine biodiversity. Any major intervention or alteration to the structure could have significant environmental consequences, potentially affecting the delicate balance of the region’s marine life.