When it comes to Wildsafari exploring, there’s no better place than Africa to spot some amazing wildlife creatures. The continent of Africa has a unique list of rich biodiversity where you can find so many species existing in abundance. Some amazing National reserve parks have preserved and kept these animals safe. You’ll see most of the wildlife documentaries are shot here due to a large number of animals existing here in comparison to other places.
These African animals are so majestic and close to nature that for sure you’ll enjoy your safari ride here.
Here’s a list of the top 20 famous African animals to see and enjoy your wildlife safari in Africa.
African Animals List
There are many animals in Africa. Some of them are dangerous and some of them are cute. There are also a few African animals with horns that are very popular. Let’s read about all of them here:
1. African Lion

A lion is commonly known as the king of the Jungle, but Massai people call these majestic beasts to be shy. With a high magnificent appearance, these are the only animals that belong to the cat family yet live in pride. A lion can kill nearly 15 to 20 animals in a year. African lions are said to be more huge and royal in their appearance.
You can spot them easily in the following places in Kenya
- Amboseli National Park
- Lake Nakuru National Park
- Masai Mara National Park
- Meru National Park
- Nairobi National Park
- Tsavo East National Park and Tsavo West National Park
- Ol Pejeta Conservancy
- Samburu National Reserve
2. African Elephant

African elephants are very well known for their intelligence and protective nature. They live in herds of elephants and are extremely sharp with their memory. One thing that goes best with these animals is that they can easily interact with humans and understand them. Besides, they are quite friendly. It is believed that an elephant can eat around 300-400 pounds of vegetation each day due to its weight and size. Elephants love sugarcane, cabbage, maize, and bananas. Make sure you carry some when you go to meet these friendly creatures.
Here are some places where you can easily spot them.
- Amboseli National Park
- Tsavo National Park
- Masai Mara National Park
- Meru National Park
- Shimba Hills
- Aberdare National Park
- Samburu National Reserve
3. Cape Buffalo

These herbivore beasts are found in abundance in the forests of Africa. It comes in the category of African animals with horns. They can weigh nearly 1500 pounds and are extremely huge. These animals exist in different colors as well and they are quite a little different. They have herds most of the time where female and male groups are different. One thing always to remember with African Cape Buffaloes is that they are extremely temperamental and can attack without any cause. Make sure you keep a safe distance while watching them or clicking pictures.
They are found in these famous parks in Kenya.
- Amboseli National Park
- Masai Mara National Park
- Meru National Park
- Tsavo National Park
- Ol Pejeta Conservancy
- Samburu National Reserve
4. Kenyan Cheetah

Kenya has the largest population of Cheetah and they are extremely charismatic to look at. With a long-legged toned body, Cheetah is one of the fastest animals on land. Their tear stripe body and sharp eyes define their pride and authoritative nature. Tourists love spotting Kenyan Cheetah for photographs.
You have a look at these beasts in the following places.
- Amboseli National Park
- Masai Mara National Park
- Meru National Park
- Tsavo National Park
- Ol Pejeta Conservancy
- Samburu National Reserve
5. Rhino

Rhinoceros is the largest mammal on the land after elephants. There are many variable species of rhinoceros, but two of the very famous are, African black and white Rhinoceros. Rhinos have become extinct over the past few years due to poaching and habitat loss. That’s the reason why today, rhinoceros are conservated with great care.
You can find these giant animals in the following parks.
- Ol Pejeta Conservancy
- Lewa Wildlife Conservancy
- Masai Mara National Park
- Solio Game Reserve
- Meru National Park
- Lake Nakuru National Park
- Il Ngwesi Group Ranch
6. Masai ostrich

Ostriches included in the bird’s category but to be honest, they are no near to what a bird looks like. With round body and extremely long sharp legs, these birds can run fast and even kick with great force in their defense. Ostriches only live with each other alone as a pair. It’s easy to spot a male and female ostrich. Male ostrich is almost dark in color and females are sort of gray.
You can have a look at these beautiful big birds in the following parks in Kenya.
- Amboseli National Park
- Masai Mara National Park
- Meru National Park
- Tsavo National Park
- Samburu National Reserve
7. Wild Dogs

African Wild Dogs are weird carnivorous animals who live in a pack of 6 to 20 dogs. They are carnivores and indeed very dangerous to be roaming freely as they straight away kill anything for their on their hunt. The only thing that they take care of is their puppies. These wild creatures are popular in the sub-Saharan region.
You can also spot them in the following places.
- Laikipia
- Mara North Conservancy
- Mpala Center in Kenya
- Samburu
8. Zebras

Zebras are the oldest and one of the native animals of Africa, which is connected to donkeys and horses. Their black and white patterns make them more interesting. The black stripes show the black skin under their white coat. Zebras eat twigs and leave most of the time.
- It is one of the most common animals that you can spot almost everywhere in Africa and different zoos in the world.
9. Giraffes

Giraffes are a quite interesting animal. With a beautiful tall neck and catalog body, it pretty matches with nature. Scientists have discovered that there are 4 species of Giraffe and 5 subspecies of them. They differ in their patterns and nature as well. Giraffes keep their young ones with them an stay in large herds. You can spot them in grassland region zoological parks.
- Most giraffes live in south-east Africa. The Masai giraffe specifically can be found in Kenya National Park.
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10. Hippo

Hippo is another native African animal who loves water and you’ll always find them near water bodies. They can be cute as well as dangerous too. Hippo weighs around 80 pounds and is the third-largest mammal on the land. They usually survive on fruits and vegetables and need plenty of water to survive.
- You can find them in the private wildlife conservancy, Hippo Point.
11. Thomsons Gazelle

Resembling the family of Antelopes, Thomsons Gazelle looks the same as an antelope. They just differ in the shape of their horns. They are one of the African animals with horns. The gazelles are blessed with ringed and curved horns that look quite pretty on them. They have light body frames, which makes jumping and running more easy for them. These animals are harmless most of the time and are herbivores by nature.
- You can find these gazelles in the desert of Savannas in Africa and also in the Serengeti region of Kenya.
12. Warthog

Warthog is nothing but a type of wild pig that is covered in bristly hair and hairy tails and cheeks. Their appearance might leave you confused about whether they are dangerous and harmful animals as they have 4 tusked heads. Yet to look on the actual side, they avoid fighting in reality and hide in the regions that are abandoned by aardvarks.
- Warthogs are extremely common and can be seen almost everywhere. You can particularly find them in Maasai Mara National Park.
13. African Leopards

Leopards come from the cat family and are almost like large cats with a black spot all over their bodies. They are extremely heavy. Females weigh around 46 and 132 pounds and male leopards weigh between 80 and 165 pounds. Leopards usually hunt animals in the night. They have a high sense of vision and hearing ability. Antelopes, waterbuck, young zebras, warthog, and wildebeest are some of the common animals they hunt as their prey.
You can find these wild animals in the following places.
- Masai Mara National Park
- Meru National Park
- Samburu National Reserve
- Tsavo National Park
14. Topis

People might believe cheetah to be the only fastest running animal but Topis are next on the line with backing up with 43 mph. Topis are medium size antelope that are between 150-340 pounds. These animals run incredibly fast when they are frightened by any object around them. They are cute and adorable to look at.
- You can find these herbivorous animals at the Maasai Mara National Reserve or the seasonally flooded grasslands of the savanna.
15. Baboons

Baboons are just like the old world Monkey that exist in all sizes varying in their age. They can either be small as 30 lbs or as big as 80 lbs. Baboons usually travel in groups and are called troops. These animals usually eat fruits and animals. Baboons usually travel in groups and are called troops. One thing that’s quite different from all these creatures is that, though they can climb up the trees unlike other monkeys, they do not have a gripping tail which shall enable them to stay in trees for a long time. Hence they stay in a land most of the time.
- You can find them in cliff areas. Most of them can be easily spotted in the Amboseli National Park in Kenya.
16. Wildebeest

Wildebeest is an African hybrid of antelopes, which are large and related to sheep, goats, and cattle. They are very hairy and bushy with manes and curved horns. Wildebeests weigh between 260 and 595 pounds and are also believed to be the largest type of antelope. These are herbivorous and usually are harmful but to be honest, unpleasant to look at.
- You can spot them in the eastern and southern African region between Namibia and Kenya.
17. Crocodiles

Crocodiles are mammals that live on land and water and are common in many regions of the world. Crocodiles are amphibians who can live on land and in water. They exist in different shapes and sizes and can even grow up to as huge as 2000 pounds. These creatures are carnivores and always look around to hunt and eat living animals around them.
- African crocodiles are more gigantic and huge in shape and size. You can easily spot them in almost all the zoological parks and reserves. Or visit Samburu National Reserve in Kenya to see some crocodiles.
18. Waterbuck

This can be your last list in the list of African animals while exploring African animals but watching them can be pleasing sometimes. Waterbuck are antelopes of different category which have spiral horns and 3 feet long curvy tail. The defassa waterbuck has become extinct from the past few years. These species need to stay hydrated and easily get extinct in hot climates. They survive on fresh green grass and near the water bodies such as rivers and streams.
- You can see some waterbucks in Nakku park in Kenya.
19. Vultures

Vultures aren’t common to spot everywhere. Especially the African inhabitant vultures are extremely rare. Vultures have one mate per year and lay an egg each year. These birds look uniquely majestic with their pride full looks. They don’t hunt and eat animals rather they feed on the carrion of freshly dead animals.
- You can view vultures in the Maasai Mara National Reserve.
20. Antelope

Antelopes exist in almost 91 of different species and can be commonly seen in the African Safari. Antelopes are generally not included in the category of cattle, sheep or goats. They are considered to be more near to deer. Deers shed their horns with time, but Antelopes have them permanently. The gazelle, steenbuck, waterbuck, and kudu are popular antelope you may expect to see on African Safari.
- You can spot these innocent herbivorous animals in the African Savannas, or more conveniently in the Kruger National Park on your next trip to Kenya.
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Here is the list of African animals with horns and without horns. You can find them on any of the African wildlife safaris. If you are an animal lover, do visit Africa once for enjoying the wildlife and African animals.