How to reach Mahabaleshwar

Mahabaleshwar is near to Satara, Pune and Mumbai. You can reach to Mahabaleshwar easily from these places. Mahabaleshwar is well connected by Mumbai-Pune highway. So reaching here from Mumbai or Pune is easy

How to Reach Mahabaleshwar by Flight

The nearest airport from Mahabaleshwar is Pune that is around 120 KM from the place. You can take a taxi or bus from Pune to Mahabaleshwar.

How to Reach Mahabaleshwar by Road

The place is well connected by roads and there are several government and private bus operators running buses from and to Mahabaleshwar. You can take buses from Mumbai that takes around 6 hours to reach here. You can also each Mahabaleshwar by private vehicle. Several people prefer to drive down from Mumbai.

How to Reach Mahabaleshwar by Train

The nearest Railway station from Mahabaleshwar is Wathar that is around 60 KM from the place. This railway station is linked to several other railway stations by several trains.