How to reach Kasauli

Kasauli is close to Chandigarh and is located at a distance of 65KM. So, the best way to reach Kasauli is from Chandigarh.

How to Reach Kasauli by Flight

The nearest airport is Chandigarh and it is also well connected to other cities through numbers of flights. From Chandigarh, you can take a cab or bus.

How to Reach Kasauli by road

The Himachal Pradesh State Transport Corporation runs several buses between Kasauli and the other near by cities. You can also take drive if you have your own car or hire a taxi.

How to Reach Kasauli by train

The nearest station is Kalka Railway Station located at a distance of 25.7 KM from Kasauli. Train takes around 5 hours from Delhi. From kaka, you can take bus or cab. It takes 1 to 1.5 hours to reach Kasauli from Kalka Station.