How to reach Mukteshwar

Mukteshwar is easy to reach. Kathgodam is the closest railway station located at 70 KM distance. You can get Cabs and buses to Mukteshwar easily. The nearest airport is in Pantnagar located around 100 km away from Mukteswar. You can also get trains, buses and cabs to Mukteshwar from Haridwar.

How to Reach Mukteshwar by Flight

Pantnagar Airport is the nearest domestic airport and Delhi International Airport is the nearest International Airport. Taxis are available from Pantnagar to Mukteshwar. Dehradun Airport is also located around 183 KM from Mukteshwar.

How to Reach Mukteshwar by Road

There are frequent buses to Mukteshwar from Haridwar, Delhi, Dehradoon and other near by cities and towns.

How to Reach Mukteshwar by Train

Kathgodam is the nearest railway station to Mukteshwar located at a distance of 73 km. You can easily get taxis to Mukteshwar from here.