10 Amazing Facts About The Brazilian Flag

Facts about brazial flag

Every flag speaks for its country. Some show their unity with words whereas some show messages through symbols. Most of the flags have a history behind them. Talking about flags, Brazil is one such country which has some amazing facts when it comes to their national flag. From the pattern of colors to its message and the history, there’s a different essence to the respect and tribute of this flag devised.

Here we are going to peek into the top 10 facts of The Brazilian Flag and also the history behind it.

The Brief History of Brazilian Flag

There is a history of this beautiful flag dating back to a few years ago. After Brazil was declared Independent from Portuguese back in 1822, it was taken over by the Empire of Brazil. Their flag was something designed with greenfield and yellow rhombus to signify the colors of Emperor Pedro I and Empress Maria Leopoldina.

Later when finally Brazil abandoned the Empire and was officially a republic country, they framed a new flag with green and gold stripes, with a rectangle in the top left corner featuring an arrangement of stars. This flag was almost as same as the flag of the USA. Then finally they designed a formal official flag which today is recognized all over the world as a Brazilian Flag. It has a green background with a golden rhombus and a blue globe in the center which has 27 stars aligned representing the unity of federal districts.

The Brazilian Flag is a symbol of how Brazil stands to grow and prosper in the coming years.

Facts about the Brazilian Flag

Every flag has some meaning hiding in it and has some amazing facts that everyone should know. Here we also discussed the Brazilian Flag meaning.

1. The appearance of the current flag

The current official Brazilian flag is worldwide recognized for its bright vibrant colors with 27 stars inside the globe. It was replaced after the previous flag of the Empire of Brazil in the year 1889. The flag typically has blue, yellow and green color on it.

2. The flag’s nickname

Brazilians also have given their flag a nickname, it is also called as  Auriverde. The word describes the golden green color pattern of the flag.

3. The Stars of the flag have meaning

The Brazilian flag previously had 21 stars but in the year 1992, it underwent some changes and now it has a total of 27 stars. These stars have meaning and represent the states in the Federal district of Brazil. The stars are aligned on the blue globe showing the unity of the administrative division of Brazil. 

4. The Motto of the Flag

The Brazilian flag in the center reads “Ordem e Progresso”, which means order and progress. The motto of the flag was inspired by the motto of positivism by Auguste Comte: “L’amour pour Principe et l’ordre pour base; le progrès pour but” meaning” Love as a principle, order as a basis, and progress as a goal.”

5. The colors of the flag

The flag is overall green in color with a yellow diamond shape on it and a blue globe inside it. The globe has 27 stars representing the unity of the federal districts. It is said that green and yellow, symbolize the wealth of the country from the gold reserves and other mineral-rich ores, and Green represents the lush equatorial forests of the Amazon.

6. Brazil flag birthday

The flag was made official on November 19, 1889. The date was exactly four days later after Brazil became a republic. 

7. The Flag Anthem

There’s a special flag anthem for the Brazil flag which is sung on the flag day (19th November). The lyrics were written by Olavo Bilac and the music composed by Francisco Braga. 

8. The stars as depicted

The stars on the flag are arranged in the order as of how they were spotted on the night of 19th November 1889. The flag was then later recreated based on new state formation. It is also said that these stars were later changed to match the astrological order.

The stars of the flag include

• Procyon

• Canis Major

• Canopus

• Spica

• Hydra

• Crux Australis

• Sigma Octantis

• Triangulum Australe

• Scorpius

9. The flag Rules

Every country has its own rules and regulations to pay special respect and tribute to their country. The first main rule that Brazilians follow is that the flag is always flown at the Praca de Tres Poderes (Three Powers Plaza) in the capital of Brazil, Brasilia. Next, a foreign flag is raised only at the right next to the flag of Brazil. 

10. Raised and Lowered Daily

They have a rule that the Flag must be raised and lowered every day at all the presidential palaces and other high official areas. If it is torn or is not in a state to be raised, then it has to be burned away with due respect.

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